Leftists sound like really good Christians
Leftist liberals have stolen a few pages right out of God's playbook! Before you go and get all mad, let me explain what I mean. I mean that throughout Scripture, we see that Satan uses what God creates and abuses it. The devil is not creative so therefore he only ever offers cheap counterfeits of what God meant as a blessing for men. For instance, look at how Satan has abused sex in our society. Even Christians have to bow their head in embarrassment when the word is mentioned. Why is this? Hebrews 13:4 says, " Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled:". In our world, this thing that was originally meant for the purpose of reproduction and to be an expression of love between a married couple (man and woman) has become a taboo subject. Just a quick glance at the world around us and we can see how that it has been marketed, distorted and abused. Now we view it as shameful, carnal, and dirty. Satan has won in creating a false paradigm in our minds in this area....